Case study:

In today’s digital landscape, businesses are recognizing the benefits of migrating their applications to the cloud. CPVLab.Pro, a popular software application, have transitioned from an on-premises infrastructure to the cloud. This case study explores their successful migration, highlighting the role of Terraform as their chosen infrastructure as code (IAC) tool. Through this migration, CPVLab.Pro aimed to leverage the advantages of cloud computing, including scalability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness, while partnering with the capable DevOps team at

Understanding the need for migration

The CPVLab.Pro have operated on-premises for several years. The team realized the limitations of their existing infrastructure. They recognized that embracing the cloud was crucial for unlocking the potential of their software application. By migrating to the cloud, they aimed to harness the scalability and flexibility offered by cloud computing, enabling them to meet the evolving needs of their growing user base.

Collaborative planning and infrastructure definition

To ensure a seamless migration, the DevOps team at closely collaborated with the CPVLab.Pro team. They embarked on a comprehensive understanding of the application’s architecture, requirements, and dependencies. Leveraging the power of Terraform, the DevOps team designed a set of templates that would define the required infrastructure resources for CPVLab.Pro in the cloud.

Terraform: Streamlining infrastructure deployment

The CloudPanda’s DevOps team employed Terraform to deploy the cloud resources efficiently. Rigorous testing was conducted to validate the accuracy of the deployment, ensuring that all resources were provisioned correctly and that the application could be seamlessly deployed and operated within the cloud environment.

The Terraform templates encompassed various critical resources:

1. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

At the core of the cloud infrastructure, a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) provided a secure and isolated network environment for CPVLab.Pro. This VPC setup ensured that the application’s data and resources remained protected from unauthorized access.

2. Elastic Load Balancers (ELB)

To achieve optimized load distribution and enhance performance, Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs) were incorporated into the cloud infrastructure. By evenly distributing incoming traffic across multiple instances, CPVLab.Pro experienced increased availability and reduced downtime.

3. Auto Scaling Groups (ASG)

Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) played a pivotal role in adapting the infrastructure dynamically based on predefined conditions. With ASGs, CPVLab.Pro effortlessly scaled their application to meet fluctuating demands, ensuring consistent performance and efficient resource utilization.

4. Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

To accommodate the storage and management of application data, CPVLab.Pro leveraged Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). This fully managed, scalable database solution empowered CPVLab.Pro to efficiently store and retrieve data within the cloud environment.

5. Security Groups

To safeguard the cloud resources against potential security threats, Security Groups were implemented. These virtual firewalls controlled inbound and outbound traffic, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of CPVLab.Pro’s data and infrastructure.

6. CloudWatch Logs

By leveraging CloudWatch Logs, CPVLab.Pro gained invaluable insights into the health, performance, and utilization of their cloud resources. This monitoring capability enabled proactive troubleshooting, optimization of resource allocation, and overall system enhancement.

Seamless application migration and ongoing support

With the cloud infrastructure in place, the CPVLab.Pro team initiated the migration process for their application. While making necessary modifications to the application code for compatibility with the new infrastructure, the majority of the migration work was expertly handled by the DevOps team at Their extensive knowledge and meticulous approach ensured a smooth transition without compromising functionality or performance.

Post-migration, the CPVLab.Pro team embarked on a journey of collaboration with their clients to introduce new features and enhancements to the application. The continuous support of the DevOps team ensured the successful deployment of new application versions on the cloud infrastructure, facilitating agile development and seamless updates.

Leveraging Terraform for enhanced development and scalability

The adoption of Terraform for cloud infrastructure management empowered the DevOps team at to create new environments for testing and development rapidly. It also facilitated the seamless rollout of new application versions, enabling CPVLab.Pro to focus on developing innovative features and enhancements. With Terraform streamlining the infrastructure management process, the CPVLab.Pro team gained confidence in the reliability, scalability, and security of their underlying cloud infrastructure.

Conclusion: a successful migration journey

In conclusion, the migration of CPVLab.Pro from on-premises to the cloud using Terraform, spearheaded by the DevOps team at, was a resounding success. Swift and efficient deployment of the necessary infrastructure resources enabled CPVLab.Pro to shift their focus towards application development and enhancement. This migration empowered CPVLab.Pro to scale their application seamlessly, reduce operational costs, and enhance overall reliability. By embracing the cloud, CPVLab.Pro paved the way for future growth and success in the dynamic world of software applications.

Technologies used for streamlining infrastructure deployment


Tools: Terraform


Whole infrastructure has been described with Terraform. We love Infrastructure as a Code paradigm and we do it every time it’s possible.

Tools: Kubernetes


Application has been adapted to containers that are right now deployed to the Kubernetes cluster. CloudPanda introduced a solution that allows the deployment of many instances of application.

Tools: Github Actions

GitHub Actions

All docker images required to run applications are built with GitHub Actions pipelines created by our engineers. Images are uploaded to AWS Elastic Container Registry.

Tools: Docker


Docker containers are the helpful solution to divide applications into smaller logical services. Everyone is developed separately which makes it easier to develop the whole application.

Tools: AWS

Amazon Web Services

The application has been deployed to AWS. We created development, staging, and production environments hosted with separate AWS accounts.

Conclusion: A Successful Migration Journey

In conclusion, CPVLab.Pro’s migration to the cloud using Terraform proved to be a triumph. The DevOps team effectively deployed the necessary infrastructure resources, enabling the CPVLab. Pro team to concentrate on enhancing their application. The transition to the cloud provided CPVLab.Pro with improved scalability, reduced operational costs, and enhanced reliability. This strategic move has positioned them to excel in their industry and cater to their growing user base.

Remember, embracing cloud technology can revolutionize your business too. With the right tools and expertise, you can unlock new opportunities and achieve greater success in the digital landscape.

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